1015 2nd Street, Ste. 201, Little Rock, AR 72201 hello@mpactingyouthandfamilies.org 501.313.1512



What is a disability?

A disability is “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life function.” [Arkansas Code 16-123-102(3)]

What is a developmental disability?

A developmental disability is a substantial, long-term disability that begins any time from birth through the age of 21 and is expected to last for a lifetime. Although you may not always be able to see these disabilities, they can seriously limit daily activities of life, including self-care, communication, learning, mobility, or being able to work or live independently.

Arkansas law says that a developmental disability is “an impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior” that is a “substantial handicap to the person’s ability to function without appropriate support services, including, but not limited to, planned recreational activities, medical services such as physical therapy and speech therapy, and possibilities for sheltered employment or job training.” It is caused by mental retardation or a closely related condition; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; autism’ or dyslexia resulting from cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or autism. [Arkansas Code 20-48-101 and Act 729 of 1993]

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a joint federal and state health care assistance program that pays for medical care and services for people who meet income/assets requirements.

What is Community and Employment Supports (CES) Waiver?

The PASSE is a funded program for people with developmental disabilities to receive services home, community based supports.


Our residential programs are funded mainly by Waiver Services, Personal Care, and HUD.  If an individual does not qualify for waiver funding he or she may be asked to private pay for services.


What is supported employment?

Supported employment is a leading form of vocational rehabilitation that matches people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with a career that fits both the individual needs as well as the needs of the employer. This service is of no charge to the employer or the employee. There are tax-saving benefits that are available for employers who hire individuals with disabilities.


Who do I contact to make a charitable donation?

Clay Blair  |  501 313 – 1512

Are donations to M-Pacting Youth and Families, Inc. tax deductible?

Yes. M-Pacting Youth and Families is a qualified non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenues Services code.


Who do I contact about volunteer opportunities?

Clay Blair | 501 313-1512

What type of volunteer opportunities are available?

In the future, M-Pacting Youth and Families, Inc. will offer various volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups.


What steps are taken to ensure consumer privacy?

M-Pacting Youth and Families, Inc. is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of individually identifiable health information as protected by law, including the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).